


Many people under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit accepted the invitation of Christ addressed to his disciples (Mk 6,31) and set off to solitude, to worship the Father in Spirit and the truth(Jn 4:23), and staying close to the Master and obeying his words, they chose what is only necessary. This kind of life imitates Christ, contemplating on the mountain "and is a participation in his paschal mystery, in addition, it performs in a special way and shows the contemplative vocation of the Church, the bride, who, hidden with Christ in God, is looking for what is above, in the watchful waiting for the final revelation of the Lord (Col 3,1-4). Purpose and requirements of the theresian enclosure retain permanent value. They are in fact consistent with a radical imitation of Christ and the sacrifice for the Gospel, protect the freedom and harmony of community life. They contribute to total dedication to God in the contemplative life of the Church. Nuns in solitude and silence, in constant prayer and eager penance are opened only to God in the Mystical Body of Christ, in which, all the members do not fulfill the same function "(Romans 12:4), always choose the right thing, even if it was pressing need for active apostolate.

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